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Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

Parzival discovers happytime pizza hallidays childhood pizza place

Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline

IOI owns the artifact

Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

Parzivals oasis stronghold an astound named falco

Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

Wade takes us through his daily oasis routine

Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

It’s Ogden morrows 73rd birthday and they have a party at the oasis

Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

Level 2 begins and wade searches for the jade key

Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

The sixers unlock the first gate

One Of Us Is Lying
by Karen M. Mcmanus

Good book good story

Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline

Parzival tells each that sorrento blew up his house

Ready Player One
by Ernest cline

Parzival gets a tour of the virtual headquarters.
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